In a few short weeks I will be leaving home, or going home. I suppose it would depend on your perspective. Twenty-six years ago I left what I had known as home for the first 19 years of my life. I was raised in three or four different houses on the same dirt road. I suppose it depends on who was counting. The first couple I wasn’t old enough to remember. By the way, my dear brother still lives on the road. Luckily it isn’t still dirt.
I left Tennessee as a young woman. I will be going back as “ganny”. In the past 26 years, I have made a life in a very “different world” than what it would have been had I stayed in Tennessee. I met the man of my dreams, became his “sweetie”, his wife, a mother and now since 2005, “ganny”. I married young, had children young, and became “ganny” very young. I would not change any of it.

But now it is definitely time for change. The house is up for sale. The same house we built as young adults. And of course when I say we, I mean he. This same house has been through many changes over the past 23 and half years. It went from basic house to a beautiful home. Luckily I married not just a handy man but a “certified genius”. Walls have went up and walls have came down. New flooring here, a new addition there and walla! we have a home that looks as though it should be featured in a magazine. It took years of hard work (him of course), compromise and sweat (again his). And now here we are ready to up and leave. It is time to go. The house has been a wonderful home. I have raised two wonderful children here and watched my grandson grow into a thriving, free spirited 4-year-old.
Today was my 46th birthday. And as I told someone this morning, “I am older than dirt!” Not quite, but close. My youngest child, my daughter, graduated from college last week. She is ready to leave the nest. So are we. We are ready to go and build a new one. So in the next few weeks we will, as I said, be leaving home or going home. It depends upon your perspective. Of course, I am taking the “certified genius” with me. And of course we will find a wonderful place as close to that same dirt road as possible. And we will build another wonderful home. Of course when I say we, again, I mean he. I will let you know how it turns out.
I left Tennessee as a young woman. I will be going back as “ganny”. In the past 26 years, I have made a life in a very “different world” than what it would have been had I stayed in Tennessee. I met the man of my dreams, became his “sweetie”, his wife, a mother and now since 2005, “ganny”. I married young, had children young, and became “ganny” very young. I would not change any of it.

But now it is definitely time for change. The house is up for sale. The same house we built as young adults. And of course when I say we, I mean he. This same house has been through many changes over the past 23 and half years. It went from basic house to a beautiful home. Luckily I married not just a handy man but a “certified genius”. Walls have went up and walls have came down. New flooring here, a new addition there and walla! we have a home that looks as though it should be featured in a magazine. It took years of hard work (him of course), compromise and sweat (again his). And now here we are ready to up and leave. It is time to go. The house has been a wonderful home. I have raised two wonderful children here and watched my grandson grow into a thriving, free spirited 4-year-old.
Today was my 46th birthday. And as I told someone this morning, “I am older than dirt!” Not quite, but close. My youngest child, my daughter, graduated from college last week. She is ready to leave the nest. So are we. We are ready to go and build a new one. So in the next few weeks we will, as I said, be leaving home or going home. It depends upon your perspective. Of course, I am taking the “certified genius” with me. And of course we will find a wonderful place as close to that same dirt road as possible. And we will build another wonderful home. Of course when I say we, again, I mean he. I will let you know how it turns out.
lovely blog ^^ Keep going*